Friday, August 31, 2012

IOWA, Did you know?

I recently watched this video in my EME5050, Fundamentals of Technology for educators’ class. I thought it was going to be just your average power point, but I was amazed at the use of the vast amount of audio and visual effects.  Although I am familiar with all of the technologies listed in the power point, the statistics were alarming to read. At the end of the video, Dr. McLeod the creator and author asks the viewer to “join the conversation.”  You can then link up to his personal bog. Once there he asks, “Are we doing what is best for our students, or what is most convenient for us? I had to really think hard about my use of technology in the classroom. Am I doing enough for my little pre-k students? On a daily basis I have students engage, using our touch screen computer to access many free educational websites. I also have a listening center, where students may listen to books on cd/tapes.  Our school has many additional technology recourses, but I have been too afraid to try, and thinking “Do my students really need a smart board?” I am guilty of taking the easy road, instead of introducing my students to new technology. I am anxious to learn how to use more types of technology to help enhance my students learning, and keep up with our ever changing and growing multimedia world. I would highly recommend this video to anyone in the education community.

McLeod, Dr. Scott. (2011). Iowa did you know? You Tube. Iowa

1 comment:

  1. Katy,
    You may feel like you are taking a road of "convenience" with regards to technology in the classroom, but it doesn't sound that way to me! You are enrolled in a masters technology class to learn integration strategies, and you already stated you use technology frequently, even for preschool age children. And you'll only get better after EME5050!

    I think the "convenience" factor many educators default to is more of a general lack of growth in the profession.

