Friday, September 21, 2012

Computer Ethics for Students

I would like to think that my students would automatically respect one another’s work on the computer, not cyber bully, copy, etc., but experience has taught me otherwise.  Just as our students need a list of classroom, rules to follow, the same should apply to school work completed through the interent. In my Technology for Educators class this week, we read about the importance of computer ethics. Our text book, Teachers Discovering Computers, 7th ed., included a list of 10 rules for educators to follow called, “Computer Ethics for Educators,” also known as the Ten Commandments for Computer Ethics (Shelly 426).  It is a great resource for all teachers. I suggest printing out a copy or perhaps creating a “Ten Commandment” list for your own students. The following videos review the importance of these rules, and what illegal copying is. The second video was created for a younger audience, but is in a foreign language, offering English subtitles.

Video #1: The 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics
Retrieved September 21, 2012 from

Video #2: Cyber/Ehics: Illegal web content

Retrieved September 21, 2012 from


Shelly, G., Gunter, G., Gunter, R. (2012). Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology in a Connected World (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

YouTube (2011). Retrieved September 21, 2012 from

YouTube (2012). Retrieved September 21, 2012 from


  1. Hi Katy -

    I liked how you incorporated what we learned in the module into your blog post. And the videos go really well with that topic. I think posting the ten commandments by the computer lab in each classroom is a really good idea, too!

    For the topic of computer ethics for students, I would have loved to have seen you use and share other resources. We all had access to the top ten via the module, so it would have been awesome to be exposed to other resources, links, or information about the topic you chose to discuss. I learned soooooo much from some of the blogs from this week, so as a fellow peer, I would encourage you to really explore your topic in depth next time, beyond the information in the module. :)

  2. Dear Katy,

    Great job incorporating the videos into your blog. I do agree with you that students need rules and procedures (and refreshers!) for just about everything, so internet use and safety is a priority nowadays.

    Also, cyberbulling--and texting--is a major concern when using the internet and phones as learning tools.

    Good posting about the topic.

  3. Hi, Katy

    I really enjoy reading you post, I agree with you, and I always thinking that students need rules in school since they are young, they need disciplines. As educators, take this responsibility is one important thing we need to do, using technology effectively and efficiency is one way to lead our students merge into every technology they need so that they could gain more from it.

    Good posting

